Self-isolating? ✅
Conference or holiday cancelled?
Stay home ✅ and spend time proactively working on your financial position.
Here are some ideas to get started.
🎯 Get your 2020 YTD tax docs organised (or 2019!)
🎯 Action the estate planning you have been putting off
🎯 Review and compare the rates on your mortgages
🎯 Check your insurance cover & email your broker
🎯 Review your cash inflows and outflows for the last four weeks
🎯 Email or Zoom your accountant and ask "what is the one thing I can do right now to improve my business?"
🎯 Review your commitments, e.g. do you need all those online subscriptions that add up each month?
🎯 Project your cash flow over the coming months, if you don't know how again ask your accountant
🎯 Contact your customers and team and ask for feedback
🎯 Refresh your business plan, including risks and opportunities for the year ahead.
Finally, BE CREATIVE - what is that one finance or business task you never get time to action.
