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Kelly Chard
Nov 25, 2020
Tax and Vehicles - Setting the record straight
✅ Should I buy a car in my company or trust?
✅ What is the true tax benefit to me?
✅ What records must I keep to be compliant?

Kelly Chard
Nov 6, 2020
Congratulations Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM
We are over the moon to learn that Dinesh Palipana is the Qld nominee for Australian of the year 2021.

Kelly Chard
Oct 12, 2020
Budget 2020. How it affects health professionals
Income Tax Cuts,
Asset Write-Offs,
Loss Carry Back,
JobMaker rebate program,
Trainee Boost, Your super, your future

Kelly Chard
Sep 21, 2020
Xero Tips
Sam Gray gives his tips on using Xero. The video is perfect for anyone that uses Xero daily or needs reports generated out of Xero.

Kelly Chard
Aug 15, 2020
New JobKeeper eligibility
Did you know that your employees may have just become eligible for JobKeeper? In this video, I talk about the revised employee eligibility.

Kelly Chard
Aug 12, 2020
Advice on Starting a Heath Practice
I am noticing a surprising side effect of this year's health, economic and workplace upheaval. It seems that there is peaked interest...
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